calcifur: The base
calcifur: More Fennel
calcifur: Fennel
calcifur: More blue
calcifur: Parsnips and gold be buried in them thar blues
calcifur: Peruvian Blues
calcifur: EM APPLY
calcifur: Ring of Corn
calcifur: Slobster
calcifur: GREEN!
calcifur: Baby Bok Choi
calcifur: Des Mangoes
calcifur: Bananners
calcifur: Fruits de Dragon
calcifur: Lychees
calcifur: Nuts
calcifur: ...Not So Delicate
calcifur: Granola! Homemade no less!
calcifur: !!!!!!!!!!!
calcifur: Mmmmmm
calcifur: Broth ON!
calcifur: Celery
calcifur: Yellow Onion
calcifur: Potaters
calcifur: Tomaters
calcifur: Carrots
calcifur: Lentils, Bay Leaf, Time and Pinch of Salt
calcifur: The Goods
calcifur: Slaw
calcifur: Oh the anticipation!