cody.meeks: view from our balcony
cody.meeks: the hills of burdur
cody.meeks: dryin' peppers in the hood
cody.meeks: peppers in the hood
cody.meeks: our hood
cody.meeks: our hood
cody.meeks: beware of the children (in our hood)
cody.meeks: magic carpet wheels
cody.meeks: the historical taş oda (stone room) house porch
cody.meeks: taş oda ceiling (via texas?)
cody.meeks: haunted house in the hood
cody.meeks: haunted house in the hood
cody.meeks: boo radley
cody.meeks: still dryin' peppers
cody.meeks: neighbors drying tomato paste?
cody.meeks: Salı Pazar Bazaar Bizarre
cody.meeks: the grand tuesday bazaar of burdur (it's huuuuuge)
cody.meeks: ride my red tractor
cody.meeks: sunsettin' on lake burdur
cody.meeks: burdur gölu
cody.meeks: salt water?
cody.meeks: sunsettin' on the burdur gölu
cody.meeks: on the phone
cody.meeks: sheeps burdur gölu
cody.meeks: IMG_3027
cody.meeks: IMG_3033
cody.meeks: picnic logs
cody.meeks: pigeon toed, middle of the road
cody.meeks: proud farmer
cody.meeks: the farmer's wife