Ritchie Arrowsmith: 0Q4A9209-Edit-Edit
Michaël Overberg: DSC_4239 (2)
Paul C Stokes: Lochan Hakel III
Fred Roe: Willet Ballet
mcshea2012: DSC_0122
Pog's pix: The fly's eyes!
billhume51: small_MG_4072-crop1
billhume51: Samantha
billhume51: _MG_5667-crop1-small
billhume51: _MG_5682-crop1-small
billhume51: _MG_5618-crop1_pp-small
billhume51: _MG_5641-crop1-small
billhume51: _MG_5650-crop1-small
billhume51: Take it to the end of the line
billhume51: In sunshine and in shadow
BryanQuigley: Shades of Hopper
mcshea2012: DSC_0627-001
itonys: Calimari Tattoo
mcshea2012: DSC_0287
BigTonyB: Bridge Iron
BigTonyB: Dragonfly
BigTonyB: Burned Out
BigTonyB: Graceful Flight
BigTonyB: Port Mayaca at Lake Okeechobee
BigTonyB: Here, Kitty Kitty!