SeaQuest_3032: Did the original pick last night & switched out a couple today. Ready to start my #redletterday pillow. #cottonandsteel
SeaQuest_3032: I was soo happy to have 1 done cause omg the seams. 😱 But after I took the picture I realized I flipped a row. 😭 Time for a pie break. 😝😂
SeaQuest_3032: Fixed block 1 & got #2 done. It went together so much better...matching those little seams is such a pain. Also got 3 of the rows & half of the 9 patches basted for the next 4 blocks. #gluebasting #thimbleblossoms #thimbleblossomsminis #cottonandsteel
SeaQuest_3032: I don't know if I was smart or crazy deciding to piece four blocks at once. 😂😤
SeaQuest_3032: Got them done without mixing any of them up. 🙌 I think I'm gonna work on sashing my swoon now...need a break from the tiny seams. 😂 Also, please ignore the ironing cover that's needs to be replaced. Another casualty of the old iron. :unam
SeaQuest_3032: 20150918201310_IMG_0126
SeaQuest_3032: Finished another block & decided I couldn't live with the goof up so I remade it. 😁 #thimbleblossoms #thimbleblossomsminis #redletterday #cottonandsteel #gluebasting
SeaQuest_3032: Here's the 7 so far. #thimbleblossoms #thimbleblossomsminis #redletterday #aurifil #cottonandsteel
SeaQuest_3032: Red Letter Day Pillow
SeaQuest_3032: Red Letter Pouch
SeaQuest_3032: Red Letter Day Pouch
SeaQuest_3032: Red Letter Day Pillow Cover