SeaQuest_3032: Swoon QAL
SeaQuest_3032: Swoon QAL
SeaQuest_3032: Swoon QAL
SeaQuest_3032: Swoon QAL
SeaQuest_3032: Finished cutting out my swoon blocks. #alyof #swoon2014 #swoonquilt #swoonalong
SeaQuest_3032: Ready to be sewn together tomorrow #swoonalong #swoonquilt #swoonalong2015 #sewing #thimbleblossoms #swoon
SeaQuest_3032: 1st swoon block done & it came out the right size! 😱🎉 Just need to experiment with which direction I want to press the seams on the next one...some spots are so bulky. 😕 #thimbleblossoms #swoonquilt #swoonalong2015 #swoon #alyof @hawt
SeaQuest_3032: 2nd swoon block...must've screwed up when I was cutting & was short one pink square but had enough leftovers to fudge one of the hst & even I have a hard time finding it now. #swoonquilt #swoonalong2015 #swoonalong #thimbleblossoms
SeaQuest_3032: 3 done 6 to go #swoonquilt #swoonalong2015 #swoonalong #thimbleblossoms #alyof
SeaQuest_3032: #4 done but not without some surgery 😂 #swoonquilt #swoonalong2015 #swoonalong #thimbleblossoms #gluebasting #alyof
SeaQuest_3032: Halfway done 😊 #swoonquilt #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #thimbleblossoms #alyof
SeaQuest_3032: Got block 6 already to be sewn together tomorrow...figured I'd press some of the bonus #hst while the iron was on. Ended getting over half of the stack pressed 😁
SeaQuest_3032: Swoon Blocks
SeaQuest_3032: Block 6 #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #swoon #thimbleblossoms #alyof
SeaQuest_3032: First 6 blocks all together #swoonquilt #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #thimbleblossoms #alyof @hawthornethreads #htwipit
SeaQuest_3032: Didn't want to spend anymore except for backing but it would've driven me nuts having those stripes going in the wrong direction. 😒 Plus I realized I goofed up on 2 flying geese around the center sq.😭 So block 7 is on hold. #swoonalong #swoon
SeaQuest_3032: This block went very quickly from 🙌-yes it's done to 😠- one of the corner sections was sewed wrong when I put it up on design with the others. There may have been some swearing 😝. But block 7 is now done & I
SeaQuest_3032: Next one laid out...just need to decide how I'm gonna press everything to reduce the bulk at some seam intersections. The last 5 have had 6.5" squares in the corners. #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #swoon #thimbleblossoms #htwipit @hawthornethreads
SeaQuest_3032: Swoon #8 done...After pressing seams to the side in 1 corner block & still getting some bulky seams I went with open pressed seams for the rest. I did shorten my stitch length a little. #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #swoonquilt #thimbleblossoms
SeaQuest_3032: Block 9 done! #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #swoonquilt #thimbleblossoms
SeaQuest_3032: All 9 blocks to play around with layout & sash but that''ll have to wait. I think the next time I make one I'll buy half yards instead. I ready preferred the way the blocks that used 6.5" squares for the corner looked & had less seam bulk.
SeaQuest_3032: Front-trimmed. 🙌 Middle & back-untrimmed. 😬 Doesn't seem like a lot for 10 mins but it's better than none. 😊 #hst #bonushsts
SeaQuest_3032: Rows are done. I did switch 2 blocks cause I didn't like how the orange would've been clumped together. #alyof #thimbleblossoms #swoonalong #swoonquilt #swoonalong2015
SeaQuest_3032: Had a little bit of a duh moment after sewing the sashing between the first 2 blocks that I may wanna line of the points as much as possible. 🙈😣 Why is it you remember the big lining up the row of blocks when adding the
SeaQuest_3032: Worked on & off today & got the sashing & borders on. Tomorrow I'll get a picture of the whole thing. #thimbleblossoms #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #swoonquilt #htwipit @hawthornethreads #alyof
SeaQuest_3032: Swoon Top
SeaQuest_3032: Guess I'll be doing a scrappy binding w/the black & orange. I don't know why I thought there were bigger pieces leftover to use as binding. 😕 There's enough of the pink for what I need but the blacks & orange look better. #swoonquilt
SeaQuest_3032: Always such a workout...the 1 thing I don't ever look forward to on a quilt.
SeaQuest_3032: Binding & label next but almost done. 🙌 And I got the backing fabric & thread for another quilt while I was at the shop. 😃 #swoonalong #swoonalong2015 #swoonquilt #thimbleblossoms #showmethemoda #superiorthreads
SeaQuest_3032: Yes! Not only did my @tulapink backing get here today but the batting I cut too small for another quilt is big enough. 🙌🎉 I'm ready for some fun tomorrow on the longarm at the lqs. 😊 #tulapink #tulatroops #tulapinkfreefall