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Old Cottage
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I see Ewe!
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Mt Gambier lookout .
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The General Store
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Click Go The Shears!
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Once Upon a Time......
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All the little Ponies!
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The Followers.{EXPLORE}
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Beach Hill Ave.{EXPLORE}
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The Australian Botanic gardens at Cranbourne .
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The playground.
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Fence Friday - I finally made it!
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The Boundary Fence.
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Sunset Fence!
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Puffing Billy.{EXPLORE}
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Gold Horizon
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Fence Friday. HFF !!
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The Coolart Homestead
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Lamplough Schoolhouse
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The Entrance to the William Ricketts Sanctuary
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"Man The Destroyer"by William Ricketts
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G'Day !
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The waterfall at Dunduckety Creek.
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The parting Shot
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The Winter garden
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Times Gone by.
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A Bridge through Time
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All Creatures great and Small.