kbildner: The Rabbit lost
kbildner: Council Bluff Lake, Dead trees standing in the frozen water.
kbildner: Council Bluff Lake/winter
kbildner: Enough boat launch, Council Bluff Lk.
kbildner: Ice on Council Bluff Lake
kbildner: We found this skull on a bluff.
kbildner: Ice patterns
kbildner: Shut-ins of upper James creek
kbildner: Ice fall on bluff
kbildner: Frozen waterfall on James Ck.
kbildner: Ice Fall
kbildner: Icicles and splash
kbildner: Pool on James Ck.
kbildner: James Ck.
kbildner: Upper James Ck. Shut-ins
kbildner: James Ck.
kbildner: Ice cycles, lichens, moss, igneus rock
kbildner: Ice on James Ck.
kbildner: ice on James Ck.
kbildner: View from Johnson Mt.
kbildner: Glade and Johnson Mt.