davidparratt: Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Cinnamon Teal at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Northern Pintail at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Greater Yellowlegs at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Buffleheads & American Coots at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Lesser Scaup at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Pecos River flows thru Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Sandhill Cranes fly above Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Gadwall at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Visitor Centre at Bitter Lake NWR
davidparratt: Disorganized flock of sandhill cranes trying to fly against strong winds at Bitter Lake NWR.