davidparratt: hairpin turns
davidparratt: Bay of Kotor visible to Adriatic Sea
davidparratt: Montenegro high country
davidparratt: Mount Lovcen
davidparratt: entry to the Mausoleum of Njegos
davidparratt: two female statues guard the entrance to Njegos' tomb
davidparratt: statue of Njegos inside the mausoleum
davidparratt: sarcophagus of Njegos
davidparratt: Mt Lovcen, Montenegro
davidparratt: 360 degree viewing platform on Mt. Lovcen
davidparratt: view from summit of Mt Lovcen
davidparratt: tunnel at Mausoleum of Njegos
davidparratt: tunnel to mausoleum of Njegos
davidparratt: Sveti Stefan
davidparratt: altar of St Nicholas Church - Perast
davidparratt: bell tower of St Nicholas church - Perast
davidparratt: Perast in late afternoon glow
davidparratt: rooftop statue Perast, Bay of Kotor
davidparratt: one of the 17 Catholic and 2 Orthodox churches that existed in Perast
davidparratt: Perast, Montenegro
davidparratt: swimming in the Bay of Kotor
davidparratt: Hotel Conte - our home in Perast
davidparratt: boy fishing in the Bay of Kotor