Hải Thi: Brisbane in a rainy day before the flood came 3
Hải Thi: Brissie people love riding and relaxing :)
Hải Thi: Brisbane in a rainy day before the flood came 1
Hải Thi: Brisbane in a rainy day before the flood came 2
Hải Thi: Brisbane in a rainy day before the flood came 3
Hải Thi: Brisbane in May, more coffee lanes are being opened within the CBD
Hải Thi: Love is a simple gentle act, it touches and spread feelings
Hải Thi: A cinema attendant waiting to start her shift
Hải Thi: The last cold morning this year
Hải Thi: Christmas time in Brisbane is a good time to slow down and dream into beautiful stories.
Hải Thi: Romance is like the aroma of fruits, not everyone could see them Time together is precious
Hải Thi: Graham, the old blind famous saxophone Brisbane street performer in his break time.
Hải Thi: Saw a sweet moment another day, everyday could be special one and Valentine just reminds love is in the air for anyone wishing to touch & live its blesses, shall happiness claim every corners of your hearts, my friends and all
Hải Thi: A bike running through heavy rain during Brisbane flood on last Friday
Hải Thi: Was going out to work and could not move as both way of the street was blocked due to water submering. Some cars needed to be towed as they dived into the water covering their windows.