Hải Thi: Leura Cascade
Hải Thi: Vũ công
Hải Thi: Bird of paradise
Hải Thi: Morning Peninsula
Hải Thi: Sunrise from my balcony
Hải Thi: Our Milky way
Hải Thi: Heaven stairs
Hải Thi: Colour of summer
Hải Thi: G morning on a rainy day
Hải Thi: Macro Fly
Hải Thi: Sunrise on a stormy day...
Hải Thi: Dry Fly
Hải Thi: Golden Sunflower
Hải Thi: Bee working for some honey
Hải Thi: Yellow Sunflower
Hải Thi: Sunset at O'Reilly's national park
Hải Thi: Up in the air and feel love all around, warm like last sunshine in a day, fresh and whole like taraxacum in the morning before the gentle wind brings everybody scattered to new discovery places...
Hải Thi: Starry sky <3 and my car :D
Hải Thi: Autumn seems not want to leave Brisbane just yet, in this cold foggy morning i still could find her traces on this old fellow ♥
Hải Thi: December came along with bright yellow n red, calling for miss Summer to shine ♥ It's time for thongs, shorts and cool T-shirts, oh might involve shooting bikinis 3:) This is part of the view from my balcony over down hill with beautiful colours :)
Hải Thi: For a rainy weather, its early morning wasn't that bad, love the fresh air of waves, bringing in sunshine ♥
Hải Thi: Hard working bee