reweaver33: Grandson and Grand Canyon
reweaver33: Getting instructions for our Bright Angel hike
reweaver33: On the trail (I hear Grofe')
reweaver33: Life on the edge
reweaver33: Road Scholar parade
reweaver33: Andrew and the mule sign
reweaver33: Road Scholar hikers
reweaver33: Andrew trudging along
reweaver33: Grand Canyon
reweaver33: Still going
reweaver33: At the turn around point
reweaver33: At the turn around sign
reweaver33: Bright Angel Trail winding down into the Canyon
reweaver33: Made it back up
reweaver33: Grand Canyon
reweaver33: One of the condors
reweaver33: Fossil hunting
reweaver33: Fossil chart
reweaver33: Fossil found
reweaver33: The fossil hunters
reweaver33: Checking out antlers
reweaver33: Admiring the view