reweaver33: Mama Bear with three cubs
reweaver33: Male grizzly approaches
reweaver33: Mama assumes protective stance
reweaver33: Mama charges the male grizzly
reweaver33: Cubs watching mama fight for their lives
reweaver33: "Oh no. I can't watch!"
reweaver33: Male initially turns tail and retreats
reweaver33: Male turns to fight
reweaver33: Mama warning male
reweaver33: Initial contact
reweaver33: Female bellows
reweaver33: Male reacts to attack
reweaver33: Open mouth threats
reweaver33: Both bellowing
reweaver33: Mama salivating
reweaver33: Mama going for the throat
reweaver33: A swipe at the male's shoulder
reweaver33: Full on attack
reweaver33: Male reacts
reweaver33: Female press the attack
reweaver33: More bellowing
reweaver33: Male starting to back off a bit
reweaver33: "Maybe I'll watch just a little."
reweaver33: Mama goes for the throat again
reweaver33: Mama gets a piece of the male
reweaver33: Still on the attack
reweaver33: Male turns tail and retreats for good
reweaver33: Grateful for their reprieve, cubs watch the sunset with mama
reweaver33: "I think I need a pedicure!"