Matchman Devon:
Marbled White Melanargia galathea
Matchman Devon:
Buzzard chick - Buteo buteo
Matchman Devon:
Buteo buteo
Matchman Devon:
Pheasant chick - Phasianus colchicus
Matchman Devon:
Hen pheasant - Phasianus colchicus
Matchman Devon:
Beautiful Demoiselle -Calopteryx virgo mating
Matchman Devon:
Platycheirus albimanus
Matchman Devon:
Orchid Beetle - Dascillus cervinus
Matchman Devon:
male flower beetle Oedemera nobilis false oil beetle
Matchman Devon:
Lackey Moth Caterpillar - Malacosoma neustria
Matchman Devon:
Robber Fly - Machimus cingulatus - possibly
Matchman Devon:
Longjawed Orbweaver - family Tetragnathidae
Matchman Devon:
Unidentified fly
Matchman Devon:
Hoverfly view 1
Matchman Devon:
Hoverfly view 2
Matchman Devon:
Wasp - Ichneumon species
Matchman Devon:
Sawfly possibly Rhogogaster picta
Matchman Devon:
Lackey Moth Caterpillar - Malacosoma neustria
Matchman Devon:
Bloody nosed beetle - Timarcha tenebricosa
Matchman Devon:
Common carpet moth - Epirrhoe alternata
Matchman Devon:
Green orb spider - Araniella cucurbitina
Matchman Devon:
Vapourer moth eggs - Orgyria antiqua
Matchman Devon:
Drinker moth caterpillar - Euthrix potatoria
Matchman Devon:
Grass snake - Natrix natrix clinging to stalks
Matchman Devon:
Small tortoiseshell larva - Aglais urticae
Matchman Devon:
Crem spot tiger moth - Euthrix potatoria
Matchman Devon:
Pair of nesting Buzzards
Matchman Devon:
Pair of nesting Buzzards
Matchman Devon:
Pair of nesting Buzzards
Matchman Devon:
New life from old sandal