BR Sulzer Type 2, later Class 24, D5003 passing an unknown location with a freight train
20017 at the head of a convoy of condemned type 2s (24010, 24017 and 24097) on what was known as 'the Plant Road' at Darlington, July 1976.
20017 with condemned Type 2 24010 on what was known as 'the Plant Road' at Darlington, July 1976.
Brand-new BR Sulzer Type 2 D5023 outside Derby works with ex-LMSR diesel shunter 12000, and a Type 4 'Peak' still in undercoat.
BR Sulzer Type 2 D5027 near Bentley with a mixed freight for Ipswich, 2nd August 1960. The leading vehicle is a Thompson six-wheel passenger brake.