In Memory of ColGould: Little Owl ( Athene noctua)
In Memory of ColGould: Gyr Falcon ( Falco rusticolus )
In Memory of ColGould: Lanner Falcon ( Falco biarmicus).
In Memory of ColGould: American Black Vulture (Coragyps atratus)
In Memory of ColGould: Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo )
In Memory of ColGould: Snowy Owl ( Bubo scandiacus )
In Memory of ColGould: Little Owl ( Athene noctua )
In Memory of ColGould: Boobook Owls ( Ninox novaeseelandiae )
In Memory of ColGould: Little Owl ( Athene noctua )
In Memory of ColGould: Snowy Owl ( Bubo scandiacus )
In Memory of ColGould: Short Eared Owl ( Asio Flammeus )
In Memory of ColGould: Eurasian Eagle Owl ( Bubo Bubo )
In Memory of ColGould: Short Eared Owl ( Asio Flammeus )
In Memory of ColGould: Black Banded Owl ( Strix huhula )
In Memory of ColGould: Ural Owl ( Strix Uralensis )
In Memory of ColGould: Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo )
In Memory of ColGould: Western Screech Owl ( Megascops kennicottii )
In Memory of ColGould: Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo )
In Memory of ColGould: Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo )
In Memory of ColGould: African Spotted Owl ( Bubo africanus )
In Memory of ColGould: Short Eared Owl ( Asio flammeus )
In Memory of ColGould: Mexican Striped Owl ( Asio clamator )
In Memory of ColGould: Siberian / Turkmenistan Eagle Owl ( Bubo bubo turcomanus )
In Memory of ColGould: Mottled Owls ( Strix virgata )
In Memory of ColGould: Barn Owl ( Tyto alba )
In Memory of ColGould: Barn Owl ( Tyto Alba )
In Memory of ColGould: Great Grey Owl ( Strix Nebulosa )
In Memory of ColGould: Great Grey Owl ( Strix Nebulosa )
In Memory of ColGould: Verreaux Eagle Owl ( Bubo lacteus )
In Memory of ColGould: Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia )