In Memory of ColGould:
Black East Indian Duck
In Memory of ColGould:
Sebastapol Goose
In Memory of ColGould:
Golden Pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus )
In Memory of ColGould:
Collared Dove ( Streptopelia Decaocto )
In Memory of ColGould:
Black Banded Owl ( Strix huhula )
In Memory of ColGould:
Buffy Fish Owl ( Ketupa ketupu )
In Memory of ColGould:
Boobook Owls ( Ninox novaeseelandiae )
In Memory of ColGould:
Little Owl ( Athene noctua )
In Memory of ColGould:
Malaysian Brown Wood Owl ( Strix leptogrammica )
In Memory of ColGould:
Mottled Owls ( Strix virgata )
In Memory of ColGould:
Northern Hawk Owl ( Surnia ulula )
In Memory of ColGould:
Northern Hawk Owl ( Surnia ulula )
In Memory of ColGould:
Rufous-Legged Owl ( Strix rufipes )
In Memory of ColGould:
Woodford Owls ( Strix woodfordii woodfordii )
In Memory of ColGould:
Snowy Owl ( Bubo scandiacus )
In Memory of ColGould:
Verreaux Eagle Owl ( Bubo lacteus )
In Memory of ColGould:
Tropical Screech Owl ( Megascops choliba )
In Memory of ColGould:
Ural Owl ( Strix uralensis )
In Memory of ColGould:
Great Horned Owl ( Bubo virginianus )
In Memory of ColGould:
Great Grey Owl ( Strix Nebulosa )
In Memory of ColGould:
Great Grey Owl ( Strix Nebulosa )
In Memory of ColGould:
Ashy Faced Owl ( Tyto glaucops )
In Memory of ColGould:
Verreaux's Eagle Owl ( Milky Eagle Owl ) ( Bubo lacteus )
In Memory of ColGould:
Verreaux's Eagle Owl ( Milky Eagle Owl ) ( Bubo lacteus )
In Memory of ColGould:
Collared Scops Owls ( Otus lettia )
In Memory of ColGould:
White Faced Scops Owl ( Ptilopsis leucosis)
In Memory of ColGould:
Pallid Scops Owl (Otus brucei )
In Memory of ColGould:
Tawny Owl ( Strix Aluco )
In Memory of ColGould:
Tawny Owl (Strix Aluco )
In Memory of ColGould:
Burrowing Owl ( Athene cunicularia )