Amor Lucis: The Kerry Way Ultra
Amor Lucis: 365 2019 141 Kerry Way Ultra, Sept 2019
Amor Lucis: IMG_3217
Amor Lucis: IMG_3222
Amor Lucis: IMG_3240
Amor Lucis: IMG_3252
Amor Lucis: IMG_3254
Amor Lucis: IMG_3260
Amor Lucis: IMG_3270
Amor Lucis: 365/139 Rossbeigh Strand, Kerry, Sept 2019
Amor Lucis: IMG_3283
Amor Lucis: IMG_3305
Amor Lucis: IMG_3333
Amor Lucis: IMG_3337
Amor Lucis: The Kerry Way Ultra
Amor Lucis: IMG_3389
Amor Lucis: 86C92E3D-819B-4E90-A69F-B57473F31475
Amor Lucis: 365/140 Kerry Way Ultra, Rossbeigh Strand & Dingle peninsula behind, Kerry, Sept 2019
Amor Lucis: IMG_3284