nclawler: castle on a hill
nclawler: every good city needs a good creampuff
nclawler: chorizo excellent
nclawler: i got this stick
nclawler: barca
nclawler: the color and the culprit
nclawler: green galicia
nclawler: beachside pulpo
nclawler: praza espana
nclawler: barrow o mogosto
nclawler: the one and only
nclawler: magosto: chestnut party!
nclawler: Vigo
nclawler: estaurante
nclawler: their big day
nclawler: slide
nclawler: samil beach
nclawler: Vigo in orange and blue
nclawler: pulpo a la gallega
nclawler: tile