DREADNOUGHT2003: very old military manual for military school
DREADNOUGHT2003: soldier's French guide and some French coins
DREADNOUGHT2003: in Fathers papers was his copy of sending his army pay to his father
DREADNOUGHT2003: m16 grenade launcher guide for how to mantain and use the weapon
DREADNOUGHT2003: combat training manuel
DREADNOUGHT2003: Basic Field Manual Protective measures Individuals and small units
DREADNOUGHT2003: 1909 manual for Privates in US Army.... very interesting peek into the turn of the century US Army... not much different from Civil War soldiers back then
DREADNOUGHT2003: very old (1890) manual for US Army ..... pretty bad shape but its all there...and very interesting
DREADNOUGHT2003: another old(1890s) manual for Guard Duty..
DREADNOUGHT2003: manual for 8inch, 10 inch, 15 inch guns... also very old (turn of the century) guide to operate heavy artillery
DREADNOUGHT2003: interesting basic field manual Protective measures for Individuals and small units
DREADNOUGHT2003: Study guide questions to be used inexaminations for non-comissioned officers 1910
DREADNOUGHT2003: bought this re issused new book of the old instructions for US Servicemen assigned to Britain 1942
DREADNOUGHT2003: full Infantry drill regulation United States Army 1890s
DREADNOUGHT2003: 3rd division US Army pamphlet
DREADNOUGHT2003: Blue Jacket manual 1950
DREADNOUGHT2003: found 1950 in 2nd hand book store... good shape
DREADNOUGHT2003: this is good book... I look for books issued in the years of the war.... like the books printed for soldiers ... rare now but millions were printed on News print for the Soldiers ..
DREADNOUGHT2003: Japanese Wartime script in the Philippines
DREADNOUGHT2003: close up of 10 pesos Japanese war script
DREADNOUGHT2003: Military script from WWII Germany
DREADNOUGHT2003: Military war script Allied occupation Germany
DREADNOUGHT2003: Military script post WWII Allied occupation Germany
DREADNOUGHT2003: Allied Occupation script post WWII in Germany
DREADNOUGHT2003: Military occupation script post WWII Germany
DREADNOUGHT2003: Japanese Military script, my guess its for Indonesia
DREADNOUGHT2003: War Item ... I think for Navigation probably on a bomber
DREADNOUGHT2003: box and Navigation instrument..
DREADNOUGHT2003: another angle and close up of the instrument