motophoto2010: old building near hotel web
motophoto2010: statue and bridge over river towards atlantic web
motophoto2010: jesus statue web
motophoto2010: run down buildings web
motophoto2010: little square downtown web
motophoto2010: square with fort on hill behind web
motophoto2010: statue in square ii web
motophoto2010: statue down town web
motophoto2010: old wall and building web
motophoto2010: downtown head cathedral web
motophoto2010: excavated foundation of ruins web
motophoto2010: old roman ruins ii web
motophoto2010: ports of lisbon web
motophoto2010: old roman ruins web
motophoto2010: lisbon from the fort web
motophoto2010: jesus statue ii web
motophoto2010: cathedral top web
motophoto2010: town square from the fort web
motophoto2010: fort cannon pointed south web
motophoto2010: run down buildings ii web
motophoto2010: old cathedral ruins web
motophoto2010: jesus statue with bridge web
motophoto2010: canon pointing west iii web
motophoto2010: canon pointing west ii web
motophoto2010: canon pointing west web
motophoto2010: caslte walls web
motophoto2010: walls of fort web
motophoto2010: city through castle window web
motophoto2010: downtown park web
motophoto2010: lisbon looking north web