David in the Lowcountry:
Ducks and Pelicans at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Ducks at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Roseate Spoonbills feeding at Donnelley WMA, South Carolina
David in the Lowcountry:
Old Well at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Black-bellied Whistling-ducks
David in the Lowcountry:
Raccoon Family
David in the Lowcountry:
Bald-faced Hornet Nest (1)
David in the Lowcountry:
Bald-faced Hornet Nest (2)
David in the Lowcountry:
Bald-faced Hornet Nest (3)
David in the Lowcountry:
Tri-color Herons
David in the Lowcountry:
Eastern Wood-pewee at Donnelley WMA
David in the Lowcountry:
Fox Squirrel at Donnelley WMA
David in the Lowcountry:
Bats at Donnelley WMA, South Carolina
David in the Lowcountry:
Scarlet Tanager (juvenile)
David in the Lowcountry:
Summertime at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Summertime at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Summertime at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Summertime at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Summertime at Donnelley
David in the Lowcountry:
Black Fox Squirrel
David in the Lowcountry:
Mottled Ducks
David in the Lowcountry:
Mottled Ducks
David in the Lowcountry:
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks
David in the Lowcountry:
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (1)
David in the Lowcountry:
Black-bellied Whistling Ducks (2)
David in the Lowcountry:
Spoonbills (1)
David in the Lowcountry:
Spoonbills (2)
David in the Lowcountry:
Black-bellied Whistling Duck (1)
David in the Lowcountry:
Black-bellied Whistling Duck (2)
David in the Lowcountry:
Summer Tanager