KellyELondon: Athletes taking to the stage at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Athletes taking to the stage at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Car walk at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: 450kg frame carry at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Mateusz Kieliszkowski gets 8 reps on the 160kg log at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Mateusz Kieliszkowski gets 8 reps on the 160kg log at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Setting up the car walk at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Car walk at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Hapthor Bjornsson towering over the car walk at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Atlas stones at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Adam Bishop on atlas stones at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Post-event interview for Adam Bishop at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Big Z meeting his fans at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Polska power at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Polska power at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Polska power at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Polska power at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Jerry Pritchett meeting fans at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Benni Magnusson meeting fans at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Eddie Hall meeting fans after his 500kg deadlift at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Even MC Vanders gets in on the fan meet and greet at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: MC Vanders meeting fans after Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Big Z after Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Big Z signing autographs for fans after Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Eddie Hall sets a world record (briefly) with a 465kg deadlift at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Jerry Pritchett matches the 465kg (then) world record deadlift at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Benni Magnusson matches the 465kg (then) world record deadlift at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Eddie Hall's historic 500kg deadlift at Europe's Strongest Man 2016
KellyELondon: Benni Magnusson's failed attempt to match Eddie Hall's 500kg deadlift at Europe's Strongest Man 2016