TazGrrl: Diplarrena moraea - White Flag-iris
TazGrrl: Lake Vera hut
TazGrrl: View of Lake Vera to Barron Pass
TazGrrl: waterfall in rainforest on way to Barron pass
TazGrrl: amazing trackwork
TazGrrl: amazing trackwork
TazGrrl: Bolite fungi - Tyromyces pulcherrimus (?)
TazGrrl: rainforest pandani
TazGrrl: nearing Baron Pass snow in the rainforest
TazGrrl: Pandani in snow - Richea pandanifolia
TazGrrl: Frenchmans from behind Sharlands Peak
TazGrrl: Davern's Cavern could be down there. . .
TazGrrl: Frenchmans Cap on the right
TazGrrl: it's not over here - we give up!
TazGrrl: Frenchmans Cap (& Tahune toilet!)
TazGrrl: going along
TazGrrl: and up more
TazGrrl: descending the chimney
TazGrrl: mayfly with cold feet
TazGrrl: White Needle and Lakes Cecily, Gertrude & Gwendolyn
TazGrrl: Lakes Cecily, Gertrude & Gwendolyn from Baron Pass
TazGrrl: Isophysis tasmanica - Tasmanian Purplestar