dlchick: My Farthead kitty. He's getting to be such a big handsome kitty boy! It's a good thing he's cute, because he destroys, spills, climbs, or chews everything. #cat #farthead #kitty #petsofinstagram #catsofinstagram #catstagram #petstagram #tomcat #pet #cute
dlchick: This is my outgoing handmade postcard for a #swapbot #swap, featuring my very own mailbox! I kinda love this one and I'm having trouble letting it go. I think this may become my new lightinthemailbox.com store logo. #postcard #happymail #mailbox #snailmai
dlchick: Sorry, I might post a lot today! But you know when you make something and it's one of those things you just have to share with other artsy people? Lol... #mixedmedia #artsygoodness
dlchick: Officially my first completed #pocketletter that's going to Arizona for a #swapbot Summer-themed pocket letter swap. It was fun... Another (very different!) one is going out for my friend although I won't post it until she gets it so that it's a surprise!
dlchick: Here goes another work in progress. I always get to this point and want to stop because I just like the background. #intuitivepainting #mixedmedia #painting #workinprogress
dlchick: I don't feel like it's finished, but I don't know what to do with it next. #painting #art #flowers #abstract #intuitivepainting
dlchick: Another work in progress. Music-induced. :) #angelsandairwaves #workinprogress #painting #intuitivepainting
dlchick: Okay, I think it's finished... But you know how that goes. #painting #art #abstractart #abstractlandscape #acrylic #mixedmedia #intuitivepainting
dlchick: Work in progress...began with an intuitive painting session followed by 3 days of staring at it and thinking about what it might become. I still have a lot of ideas and things that I need to fix and details to add, but I really love how the colors have co
dlchick: I these stairs lead up to hundred-year-old houses that overlook historic downtown and the park. #Missouri #Neosho #stairs #quaint
dlchick: I made my own #plannerstickers today using Avery address labels. I will have to cut some of them with multiple images per label, but no biggie. :) None of the images I used on the stickers were my own. #plannerlove #planneraddict #planneraddiction #planne
dlchick: Here's a little planner porn for you, if you're into that sort of thing (freak! Heehe). On top is my new #personalplanner and on bottom is my Today's Teacher weekly lesson planner, the only one I've found with enough spaces for my many classes! I just got
dlchick: A mixed media quickie for tonight. Now that school's out, hopefully I'll feel more inspired to make art, if even just for a few short minutes like this. #artjournal #nonobjective #intuitivepainting #mixedmedia #colorful
dlchick: GIVEAWAY!!! I'm celebrating the grand opening of my online shop! You AND a friend will each win this 5 pack of postcards from lightinthemailbox.com. How to enter: 1. Follow me 2. Comment to tag a friend That's it! Sharing isn't necessary although it is a
dlchick: I'm so excited! I will be launching my new online store for postcards, stationery, envelopes, etc. SOON! Watch for a giveaway for my grand opening! #postcard #stationery #onlinestore #grandopening
dlchick: Some mail art going out for a #swapbot swap. #mailart #snailmail #happymail #lightinthemailbox #cat #cartoon #painting #envelope
dlchick: Finally (!!!!) getting started on #DLP2015 after 11 weeks! Starting with weeks 7 and 8. It's spring break and maybe I can get caught up! #artjournal #painting #doodle #DLP15
dlchick: #washitape that I have saved from happy mail... I deconstruct some envelopes and very decorated ones I save whole in my #mailartjournal. #mailart #happymail
dlchick: A full page in my mail journal... International stamps from my swaps and penpals! #mail #stamps #airmail #happymail #stampcollection #mailjournal #internationalstamps
dlchick: Collection of air mail stickers and USA stamps in my mail #mail #stamps #airmail #happymail #stampcollection #mailjournal
dlchick: #fauxbonichi #fauxhobonichi #artjournal #journal #planner
dlchick: #fauxbonichi #fauxhobonichi #artjournal #journal #planner
dlchick: #fauxbonichi #fauxhobonichi #artjournal #journal #planner
dlchick: #fauxbonichi #fauxhobonichi #artjournal #journal #planner
dlchick: My kitty is happy to have a new box to sit in after I put up the Christmas tree. She is eyeing the sparkly lights and I have a feeling she will climb it while I'm at work tomorrow. #christmastree #christmas #cat #kitty #catstagram #catsofinstagram #petsof
dlchick: More postcard making going on for the iHanna #DIYpostcardswap. #postcard #mailart #diypostcard #colorful #mixedmedia #art #abstract
dlchick: I'm making postcards for the @ihannas postcard swap, I haven't been artsy for a while and it feels nice. :) #handmadepostcards #paint #mixedmedia #mailart #postcard
dlchick: @hotpinkpunchbuggy and I made jar-o-lanterns. :) #halloween #masonjar #craft #candleholder
dlchick: Many years I have been collecting postcards. Many are from #postcrossing going all the way back to 2005 and more recently some from #swapbot. I have them arranged with my handmade collection in front because they're my favorite! Here you can see my newest
dlchick: Getting painty with some envelopes. #paint #envelopes #happymail #cat #kitty #envie