moran yossef: Me by my friend Yaara
moran yossef: Weekend without our children, just me and my husband
moran yossef: View...
moran yossef: Necklace
moran yossef: I did a tattoo of Bambi
moran yossef: Weekend in the desert
moran yossef: Just me
moran yossef: Weekend in the desert
moran yossef: Play with dolls?
moran yossef: My husband tip
moran yossef: Weekend in the desert
moran yossef: Weekend in the desert
moran yossef: Weekend in the desert
moran yossef: Weekend in the desert
moran yossef: Me and my daughter
moran yossef: Colt in the wood
moran yossef: I love the efects on my iPhone!
moran yossef: Ilil (my friend) garden
moran yossef: So this is the shoes.