Ducks & Daisies:
Just another view of the two.
Ducks & Daisies:
Mexican Sunflower & Sweet Autumn Clematis Vine.
Ducks & Daisies:
Aha! Soon to see beautiful butterflies!!!
Ducks & Daisies:
You can't tell much from this picture, but....
Ducks & Daisies:
Mexican Sunflower & Sweet Autum Clematis intertwined on my picket fence.
Ducks & Daisies:
My favorite Lantana. It's hardy here in zone 7 and even down to 6b. And big like a shrub.
Ducks & Daisies:
Here it is again, mixed in with volunteer tree leaves and some weeds.
Ducks & Daisies:
Everyone loves a Mystery!
Ducks & Daisies:
More of the mystery plant. You can see the blooms are not really very big.
Ducks & Daisies:
Another picture of Mystery Mallow type flower.
Ducks & Daisies:
OKAY, here's another UNKNOWN, I don't think I planted this plant!
Ducks & Daisies:
Another shot of the unknown herbal smelling plant.
Ducks & Daisies:
Unknown herbal smelling plant. Smells like something to cook with.
Ducks & Daisies:
Garlic Chives
Ducks & Daisies:
Common name is Indian Pink. Though the blooms are NOT PINK, at all.
Ducks & Daisies:
Mexican Sunflower (Tithonia) and Autumn Clematis
Ducks & Daisies:
A very weedy corner of my front garden. :-(