Ducks & Daisies: Mid-September flowers...
Ducks & Daisies: The ROOT of all garden EVIL
Ducks & Daisies: We have some hail damage on the vinyl fence. We didn't notice in time to add it to our hail damage claim.
Ducks & Daisies: Sadie made this wooden section. She did an awesome job to match the vinyl fence.
Ducks & Daisies: View of the SW corner
Ducks & Daisies: I love the dark mulch in the pathways and will continue it along the front.
Ducks & Daisies: One thing on my to-do list, is to fix the wonky part of my stone stacking in this section.
Ducks & Daisies: NW corner.
Ducks & Daisies: A view toward the door.
Ducks & Daisies: The little flower bed in the SW corner ... the one that's straight ahead in the first shot.
Ducks & Daisies: View from the front porch
Ducks & Daisies: It's come a long way baby....
Ducks & Daisies: I thought I'd already shown you my depressing garden shots from last year.
Ducks & Daisies: Such a cute little volunteer tree/shrub right in the corner of my sidewalk & my front porch.
Ducks & Daisies: The leaves really are gorgeous and the stems... so beautiful.
Ducks & Daisies: Grass Highlights
Ducks & Daisies: Sunflower Glory
Ducks & Daisies: Windy Day in the Garden
Ducks & Daisies: Another windy video
Ducks & Daisies: Two awesome vines!
Ducks & Daisies: John and Mary identified this bedraggled butterfly as a Silvery Checkerspot.
Ducks & Daisies: Leonotis
Ducks & Daisies: sunflower entry .... side path into the garden
Ducks & Daisies: Just a little Butterfly song for you
Ducks & Daisies: Iced Daisies
Ducks & Daisies: Iced Leaves
Ducks & Daisies: Iced Pineapple Sage
Ducks & Daisies: Fennel Flowers
Ducks & Daisies: Explosion of Fennel Flowers!
Ducks & Daisies: Swallowtail caterpillar on Fennel