Ducks & Daisies:
Cottage Garden
Ducks & Daisies:
driveway corner.
Ducks & Daisies:
All Evidence of Dash (the Dove's) Birthplace are almost gone.
Ducks & Daisies:
Here's the finished wall...
Ducks & Daisies:
Phew! A lot of work digging out that dirt by the curb and building the cement wall!
Ducks & Daisies:
More close-ups of the young plants.
Ducks & Daisies:
Rose Bush 'White Meilland'
Ducks & Daisies:
3 inch blooms on the tiny rose bush 'White Meilland'
Ducks & Daisies:
kraig's new truck.
Ducks & Daisies:
Driveway Corner
Ducks & Daisies:
big blue gazing ball
Ducks & Daisies:
proof that I did some weeding :-)
Ducks & Daisies:
plant combo's
Ducks & Daisies:
Little daisy thing
Ducks & Daisies:
black adder on a windy day
Ducks & Daisies:
Bug's viewpoint.
Ducks & Daisies:
New Nepeta 'Blue Dragon'
Ducks & Daisies:
Big Blooms on the new Nepeta!
Ducks & Daisies:
Ducks & Daisies:
It's coming along. Front path still not finished.
Ducks & Daisies:
just another view.
Ducks & Daisies:
The pathway edged with sweet potato vines.
Ducks & Daisies:
Sweet Potato Invasion. It does well in the heat... maybe too well?!!!!
Ducks & Daisies:
Well, Lookie There!!! Visitors.
Ducks & Daisies:
A closer view
Ducks & Daisies:
The path is getting narrower & narrower......... The vine may soon take over. (the WORLD!!!)
Ducks & Daisies:
the attack of the "sweet" potato vine!
Ducks & Daisies:
Help! The Vine has taken over the garden path!
Ducks & Daisies:
75% off!!!!
Ducks & Daisies:
Brandon & his sweetest puppy, Chromie.