Raphael de Kadt: The Stairway to Knowledge
Raphael de Kadt: Fashion Strikes the Old , Quaint Town!
Raphael de Kadt: From the Inside Looking Out
Raphael de Kadt: Vintage Grahamstown Architecture
Raphael de Kadt: The Cathedral of St Michael and St George
Raphael de Kadt: The Cathedral Seen from Another Angle!
Raphael de Kadt: The Wall Lamp
Raphael de Kadt: Grahamstown's Fanous Observatory Museum
Raphael de Kadt: Archway at Dusk
Raphael de Kadt: The Outdoor Stairway!
Raphael de Kadt: Don't Mess With Me!
Raphael de Kadt: The Road to Grahamstown!
Raphael de Kadt: Modernist Conference Venue!
Raphael de Kadt: A Man About Town!
Raphael de Kadt: A Cool Venue for a Chin-Wag!
Raphael de Kadt: Grahamstown Street Scene
Raphael de Kadt: Party Time Jollity !
Raphael de Kadt: The Pothole and Donkey!