ctj71081: South Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: South Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Detail of the South Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: West Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: West Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: West Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: North Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: North Facade of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: North Portal of Iglesia de San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Nave and Apse of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Apse and Main Altar of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Nave of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Arches between the Epistle Side Aisle and Nave of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Boss in the Narthex of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: The Original Romanesque Capitals over the Piers in San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Right (South) Side Aisle in San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Tomb of Luis Yánez in the Epistle Side Wall of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: A lions Guard the Tomb of Luis Yánez (?) in the Epistle Side Wall of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: A lions Guard the Tomb of Luis Yánez (?) in the Epistle Side Wall of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Warping of the Ribs is Visible in the Vault above the Right (South) Side Aisle in San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Warping of the Ribs is Visible in the Vault above the Right (South) Side Aisle in San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Damage from Structural Instability is Visible above the Altarpiece in the Epistle Side Nave
ctj71081: Tomb in the Wall of San Martín de Tours
ctj71081: The Original South Portal (Puerta del Mediodía) of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: The Original South Portal (Puerta del Mediodía) of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Altarpiece in the Chapel of Conde Grajal (Capilla del Conde Grajal) in San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: The West Portal (Puerta del Poniente) into Iglesia de San Martín in Salamanca
ctj71081: Archivolts over the West Portal (Puerta del Poniente) of San Martín de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Captials over the Jambs in the West Portal (Puerta del Poniente) of San Martin de Tours in Salamanca
ctj71081: Captials over the Jambs in the West Portal (Puerta del Poniente) of San Martin de Tours in Salamanca