ctj71081: East Side of the Snow-Covered Acqueduct of Segovia at Sunrise from the Mirador del Acqueducto
ctj71081: East Side of the Snow-Covered Acqueduct of Segovia and Buildings at Sunrise from the Mirador del Acqueducto
ctj71081: East Side of the Snow-Covered Acqueduct of Segovia at Sunrise from the Mirador del Acqueducto
ctj71081: West Side of the Snow-Covered Acqueduct of Segovia from Plaza del Azoquejo
ctj71081: West Side of the Snow-Covered Acqueduct of Segovia at Sunrise from the Mirador del Acqueducto
ctj71081: West Side of the Snow-Covered Acqueduct of Segovia at Sunrise from the Mirador del Acqueducto
ctj71081: Meghan Descends the Harrowing Stairs from the Mirador del Acqueducto
ctj71081: The West Side of the Aqueduct of Segovia from the Plaza Azoguejo
ctj71081: The West Side of the Aqueduct of Segovia and the Edge of Plaza Azoguejo
ctj71081: Aqueduct of Segovia along Calle Amira
ctj71081: Aqueduct of Segovia along AvenidaPadre Claret
ctj71081: Inside the Casa de Aqua (Waterhouse) on the Aqueduct of Segovia
ctj71081: Meghan Descends the Harrowing Stairs from the Casa de Agua (or Waterhouse)
ctj71081: The Water Chanel of Aqueduct of Segovia
ctj71081: The Water Chanel of Aqueduct of Segovia
ctj71081: Looking Down the Aqueduct of Segovia
ctj71081: The Beginning of the Remains of the Aqueduct before it Enters the Center of Segovia
ctj71081: Meghan at the Beginning of the Remains of the Aqueduct before it Enters the Center of Segovia