uris1: footprints in the sand
uris1: parallel world screen
uris1: between the stones
uris1: tenacity. plantain
uris1: Bridge over the Gauja, Latvia
uris1: _MG_0083 (window)
uris1: I am tired of you
uris1: the door of your dreams
uris1: fine sand
uris1: _MG_0170-the way you have under your feet
uris1: _MG_1119-The overheard talk
uris1: _MG_0994-behind the turn...
uris1: Pearl river, Latvia
uris1: Togeter again
uris1: IMG_4647 Tbilisi, Georgia. 2012
uris1: IMG_6661- calm
uris1: IMG_86612 walking down the river
uris1: expressive bagpipes
uris1: expressive bagpipes2
uris1: expressive bagpipes3
uris1: _MG_3220 Masque. unnoticed tragedy
uris1: nature attack!