bijouxmaster: Opal Shawl WIP
bijouxmaster: Lace ribbon scarf
bijouxmaster: More Barn Raising squares
bijouxmaster: Even more Barn Raising squares
bijouxmaster: Barn Raising
bijouxmaster: Rudy's tail
bijouxmaster: Tovesta
bijouxmaster: Tovesta
bijouxmaster: Kimono close up
bijouxmaster: Kimono 2
bijouxmaster: Rag Doll scarf
bijouxmaster: More squares
bijouxmaster: retreat sock
bijouxmaster: Beaded Thimble bag
bijouxmaster: Glam Go With the Flow
bijouxmaster: SUC50009
bijouxmaster: SUC50010
bijouxmaster: SUC50003
bijouxmaster: SUC50001
bijouxmaster: Sleeves for Laken's jacket
bijouxmaster: More squares
bijouxmaster: Ribbed sock
bijouxmaster: Yarn bee scarf
bijouxmaster: Dublin Bay Mama Llama's
bijouxmaster: Cashmere Island Opera Scarf
bijouxmaster: WIP -- Trellis Shawl
bijouxmaster: Jackie O Rainy Day
bijouxmaster: Little Bunny Foo Foo