Forsaken Fotos: Sandy Point State park Sunrise
Forsaken Fotos: Kent Narrows Frozen
Forsaken Fotos: Terrapin Park ice from the Bay
Forsaken Fotos: Sudlersville Vine House
Forsaken Fotos: Abandoned House
Forsaken Fotos: Reflections of the Past
Forsaken Fotos: Vine Covered and Forgoten
Forsaken Fotos: Once was a Milking Barn
Forsaken Fotos: Come Buy Me
Forsaken Fotos: Vine Covered back of house
Forsaken Fotos: Vine Covered in the Summer
Forsaken Fotos: Happy House
Forsaken Fotos: Just waiting to Be Loved
Forsaken Fotos: Happy House side view
Forsaken Fotos: Four Fireplaces and Abandoned...
Forsaken Fotos: Even has its own graveyard out back!