Forsaken Fotos:
Just a cool farm we passed
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Forsaken Fotos:
Everything is still inside..
Forsaken Fotos:
More inside the mill
Forsaken Fotos:
Sign in sheet?
Forsaken Fotos:
One entire wall was covered
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Office door
Forsaken Fotos:
A piano on the 3rd floor!
Forsaken Fotos:
The safe is still intact
Forsaken Fotos:
Main office
Forsaken Fotos:
Main office
Forsaken Fotos:
more parts
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Pulleys, etc
Forsaken Fotos:
Third Floor
Forsaken Fotos:
John Deere Machine
Forsaken Fotos:
more amazing machinery
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Safe in the office
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The only bag we saw
Forsaken Fotos:
Linwood Elevator Co
Forsaken Fotos:
Mill document
Forsaken Fotos:
Cleveland - Akron Bag Co
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