Nobby31: White-backed Vulture (Gyps africanus)
Nobby31: White Fronted Bee-Eater
Nobby31: Trumpeter Hornbill
Nobby31: Cheetah Monochrome
Nobby31: White Backed Vulture with a bit of buffalo
Nobby31: caucas on a Carcass
Nobby31: Then a fight broke out and the hen pecking started. No respect for a dead buffalo RIP
Nobby31: Lappet Faced Vulture
Nobby31: No Harry I do not think he died from natural causes I would be Lion if I told you
Nobby31: White backed Vulture eating from the rib
Nobby31: Bateleur perched in the rain
Nobby31: Friends forever - Tawny Eagle and Lappet Faced Vulture keeping company
Nobby31: Greay Headed Gull
Nobby31: Grey headed gull looking straight at me
Nobby31: Its nest building time time to visit Builders Warehouse - really enjoyed the experience of watching this White Backed vulture searching for twigs on the ground and then capture him taking off with it
Nobby31: Speckled Mousebird
Nobby31: My favourite subject the Red Billed Oxpecker
Nobby31: Pied kingfisher watching for a catch
Nobby31: yellow billed stork
Nobby31: A shot taken just below the rising sun
Nobby31: It's hug a Rhino day
Nobby31: Lilac Breasted roller taking off from its perch
Nobby31: White Eared Barbet
Nobby31: 20120922-143
Nobby31: Little Bee Eater take off
Nobby31: Pied Kingfisher Searching for food above the water
Nobby31: African fish Eagle looking back
Nobby31: yellow billed kite with soemthing to eat
Nobby31: European Roller in flight amazing camera the 7D mkii focus tracking on the button
Nobby31: African Openbill - Anastomus lamelligerus