millypixie: 51/365 this is Northern ireland and today we where just on the north of Larne
millypixie: in the souvenir shop
millypixie: guess what Auntie Dominique bought me as a souvenir from Ireland :-)
millypixie: on the minigolf
millypixie: I played with the blue ball
millypixie: the day was a wee bit cloudy
millypixie: a lot of old stones
millypixie: in the forest
millypixie: I met a giant frog
millypixie: sitting on the frog's head, I was not even a bit scared
millypixie: we enjoyed a concert in the park, I wanted to be the conductor
millypixie: 47/365 With an authentic scotish pipe player!
millypixie: 52/365 riding on the strange creature
millypixie: don t you think I am very adventurous?
millypixie: ohhhh who is this???? Dominique's Dodo bird (et least it is what she calls it)
millypixie: 40/365 An American in Ireland
millypixie: ohhh the wind is picking up
millypixie: on a stoned wall
millypixie: Maud's Cottages in Cushendall county Antrim
millypixie: so many stones in Ireland
millypixie: lovely old houses
millypixie: 38/ 365 chilling out
millypixie: sitting on the mail box with one of the traditional british telephone booth. Oh yeas, we are in Northern Ireland so in the UK .They have now been replaced by some ugly modern phone boothes and that s a pitty
millypixie: anyone for a vanilla ice cream?
millypixie: the weather is better than in France!
millypixie: On the Cushendall beach, county Antrim
millypixie: we are having our picnic on the beach
millypixie: SAM_0185
millypixie: and so green.....
millypixie: on the left by the river there is a ruined house and it is one of dominique's favorite picnic place