Andy Images: Wearing the bonnet
Andy Images: Dealing with blustery conditions in front of Ming Wing
Andy Images: The dishevelled gentleman
Andy Images: Stunning photographic composition
Andy Images: Blustery conditions at Clayton
Andy Images: Andrew and Ming Wing
Andy Images: Andrew + tree
Andy Images: Andrew + tree
Andy Images: Andrew + tree (out of focus megamix)
Andy Images: My parents in front of the building in which they were married, 30.5 years earlier
Andy Images: My sister Elly
Andy Images: My sister Elly and Ming Wing
Andy Images: Monash University, Clayton Campus
Andy Images: Monash University, Clayton Campus
Andy Images: Chillaxin in the caf
Andy Images: Chillaxin in the caf with my mum
Andy Images: Elly playing with my bonnet in the caf
Andy Images: Elly playing with my bonnet in the caf
Andy Images: Elly playing with my bonnet
Andy Images: The procession into Robert Blackwood all (now with Out-Of-Focus Technology (TM))
Andy Images: Andrew with uni mentors
Andy Images: Andrew with uni mentors