susyshutterbug: Goldenrod Crab Spider Attack
susyshutterbug: buggy on ice
susyshutterbug: Meadowhawk possibly a ruby or a white faced
susyshutterbug: Carolina Grasshopper
susyshutterbug: love in the afternoon
susyshutterbug: yukky beetle
susyshutterbug: Helianthus and Wasp
susyshutterbug: Alaskan Daisy with bee
susyshutterbug: Double Trouble
susyshutterbug: weird beetle, bug on White rose
susyshutterbug: butterfly
susyshutterbug: Beauty and the Big fat Beast
susyshutterbug: wasp and spider-001
susyshutterbug: bee full of nectar on Lupin
susyshutterbug: bouncy house
susyshutterbug: the fly on the wall
susyshutterbug: hide and seek
susyshutterbug: DEF. not hide and seek
susyshutterbug: coming at ya
susyshutterbug: Lunch time at the Jerusalem Artichoke Inn (g)
susyshutterbug: Gall Midge?
susyshutterbug: Differenital Grasshopper . "Melanoplus differentialis
susyshutterbug: Laden with Pollen
susyshutterbug: Sharing the Feast on the Knapweed
susyshutterbug: shadows of shadows
susyshutterbug: natural umbrella
susyshutterbug: lucky 5 spot Ladybug ?
susyshutterbug: Pole Dancer
susyshutterbug: yummy lunch