corv8: ALCO UP H20-44
corv8: ALCO UP H20-44 (1)
corv8: ALCO UP H20-44 (3)
corv8: Athearn UP U50 + ALCO C855s
corv8: Cal-P BLT Transfer Switcher
corv8: Cal-P Transfer Switcher #2012
corv8: Hallmark ATSF #1 + Overland #50B
corv8: Hallmark ATSF #1A + 1B
corv8: Hallmark ATSF #1 + #1A + Overland #50B
corv8: Overland GN NW-3
corv8: Overland GN NW-3
corv8: NJCBr CRI&P Oil Electric #10.000
corv8: NJCBr PRR LT2500
corv8: Red Ball CNJ Babyfaces
corv8: Hallmark ATSF HH1000 #2317
corv8: ATSF #2611 transfer switcher
corv8: Cal-P DR-6-6-1500
corv8: ALCO Cal-P RSD15 + BLI ATSF RSD15s
corv8: ALCO Cal-P RSD15 #801
corv8: Overland GN NW-5 #193
corv8: Overland GN NW-5 #193
corv8: Overland GN NW-5 #187 with Athearn drive
corv8: Overland BN NW-5 #992
corv8: Overland BN NW-5 drive with old KMT gearboxes
corv8: Westside Halfhollow & Huntington E-8 doubleender
corv8: Athearn U50 replacement screens
corv8: Branford Hobbies NH DL-109 'Cranberry'
corv8: Athearn DD40/ 35s on Golden Spike Layout
corv8: ALCO SAR #903
corv8: Custom Brass Canadian National GMD-1