thegreatscaper: Installed custom made trailer hitch on my 2 ton Ford Dump truck
thegreatscaper: A new hitch for my 2 tonne Ford Superduty
thegreatscaper: Installing custom made trailer hitch on my 2 ton Ford Dump truck
thegreatscaper: Made a custom made trailer hitch on my 2 ton Ford Dump truck
thegreatscaper: Made a custom made trailer hitch on my 2 ton Ford Dump truck
thegreatscaper: Made a custom made trailer hitch on my 2 ton Ford Dump truck
thegreatscaper: repositioned the gass brackets and lines.
thegreatscaper: drilling in the back up horns in a new location
thegreatscaper: putting on the tail lights lowered.
thegreatscaper: small box mounted
thegreatscaper: buddy Craig posing with the first box mounted
thegreatscaper: side box mounted passenger side
thegreatscaper: drilling holes in the angle iron
thegreatscaper: lining up the new welded angle iron
thegreatscaper: drilling the holes for the spacers
thegreatscaper: mounting spacers
thegreatscaper: cutting off the tail lights, reverse horns etc
thegreatscaper: lining up the spacers ... plastic
thegreatscaper: made one inch thick and 2 inch wide plastic spacers for the tool boxes
thegreatscaper: moved the new tool boxes to the garage
thegreatscaper: sanded the dumpbox down
thegreatscaper: sanded the dump box down
thegreatscaper: sanded the dump box down
thegreatscaper: fuel bracket gone
thegreatscaper: fuel bracket cut off
thegreatscaper: grinding off the fuel brackets...a little nerve racking
thegreatscaper: new tool boxes made... notched out to fit the dump deck
thegreatscaper: new boxes made
thegreatscaper: Fenders gone
thegreatscaper: Craig succeeding on cutting off the fenders