thegreatscaper: CPR Canadian Pacific Railway Company Steamship ticket 1945
thegreatscaper: CPR Canadian Pacific Railway Company Steamship ticket 1945
thegreatscaper: CPR Canadian Pacific Railway Company Steamship ticket 1945
thegreatscaper: CPR Canadian Pacific Railway Company Steamship ticket 1945
thegreatscaper: Cycling trophy's from the 20's and 30's, Victoria B.C. Canada
thegreatscaper: Trophy My Grandfather won
thegreatscaper: Trophy My Grandfather won
thegreatscaper: Trophy My Grandfather won
thegreatscaper: Trophies my Grandfather won
thegreatscaper: An Old 1930's plaque
thegreatscaper: Some silver ware from my Grandma's house
thegreatscaper: My Grandfather's old 1917 sword
thegreatscaper: remington 1917 sword
thegreatscaper: one of many old silver candel holders
thegreatscaper: Old Clock
thegreatscaper: Old Clock
thegreatscaper: Old waffel maker
thegreatscaper: Old Argus Camera
thegreatscaper: Old Argus Camera
thegreatscaper: Old Camera
thegreatscaper: Old Camera
thegreatscaper: Old Camera
thegreatscaper: Old Heinz baby bib
thegreatscaper: Old Clock
thegreatscaper: Old Roller Skates
thegreatscaper: Old Roller Skates
thegreatscaper: Old Roller Skate
thegreatscaper: Ship in a bottle
thegreatscaper: Ship in a bottle
thegreatscaper: Old Compass