thegreatscaper: This is The St. Paul Building and 3 add on kits
thegreatscaper: CMR St. Paul's Buidling Kit
thegreatscaper: CMR St. Paul's Buidling Kit
thegreatscaper: CMR St. Paul's Buidling Kit
thegreatscaper: CMR St. Paul's Buidling Kit
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: CMR, St. Paul's Building, build up
thegreatscaper: St Paul Building build up
thegreatscaper: St Paul Building build up
thegreatscaper: St Paul Building build up
thegreatscaper: St Paul Building build up
thegreatscaper: St Paul Building build up
thegreatscaper: St. Paul Building, build up N scale
thegreatscaper: St. Paul Building, build up N scale
thegreatscaper: St. Paul Building, build up N scale
thegreatscaper: St. Paul Building, build up N scale
thegreatscaper: St. Paul Building, build up N scale
thegreatscaper: St. Paul's Build up ...Started roof details
thegreatscaper: St. Paul's Build up ... Completing roof details..
thegreatscaper: St. Paul's Build up ... completed roof... for now.
thegreatscaper: St. Paul's Build up ... aging the building
thegreatscaper: St. Paul's Build up ...weathering and roof details done
thegreatscaper: St. Paul's Build up ...Aging process done..