thegreatscaper: Victoria's Inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: Victoria B.C. Inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: Dallas Road, Mile Zero
thegreatscaper: Dallas Road, Mile Zero
thegreatscaper: Victoria's Break water
thegreatscaper: Victoria's Break Water
thegreatscaper: Dallas Road, Beach
thegreatscaper: Victoria's inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: Victoria, Inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: Victoria's Inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: The Coho Leaving Victoria's inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: The Coho leaving Victoria
thegreatscaper: The Coho leaving the inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: Victoria Inner Harbor
thegreatscaper: Victoria B.C. inner harbor Customs and ferry terminal
thegreatscaper: Cadboro Beach, Victoria B.C.
thegreatscaper: Cadboro Bay Beach, Victoria
thegreatscaper: Cadboro Bay Beach, Victoria
thegreatscaper: Cadboro Beach, Victoria B.C.
thegreatscaper: Cadboro Bay Beach, Victoria
thegreatscaper: Sail boat and light houses
thegreatscaper: Cadboro Bay Beach, Victoria
thegreatscaper: Sailing into the sunset
thegreatscaper: An Oakbay Seal
thegreatscaper: begging for fish
thegreatscaper: How can you tell I had a small fish!
thegreatscaper: Funny Seal