Mercury725: "You ain't getting away this time".
◄SAGE►: Epidode: 1.5 | escape to the surface!
MGF Customs: WIP Commander Monnk Video
PizzaMovies Productions (PMP): Onward! For the glory of the Empire!
JUN THE SNIPER: Cool looking hid out
WiseMike99: WIP's, COD
Myko-: Assault on the Dark Fortress
≈Baŋaŋa≈: Tundrom company
justin pyne: Reworking the Clonie Battlepack
Brick-Vault: Micropolis Airport Dusk
Codecracker: Battle Of Kashyyyk
Fanoflego: Boncrusher?
~Firefly~: Facshun WIP
• Roku •: Cyborg Warrior *Explored*
PizzaMovies Productions (PMP): Shitshitshitshitshitshit.
Sticker!: Semi-Purist spartan SigFig
point Blanc Productions: Halo Reach ODST
SPARKART!: Space 1999 Eagle Transporter with Re-entry Glider
billbobful: The Eleventh Doctor
PizzaMovies Productions (PMP): PizzaMovies Productions 2010 Logo.
Fliplit: Mission 4.1 - Conquering Nar Shaddaa - Landing Strip
CelceBricks: My lego clone army
Onelegopiece: Firepower: We haz it!!
sirzoren: black steel
[Bizzle]: On Patrol V2
Oky - Space Ranger: Cad Bane's Swamp Speeder
beardshallshawn: AT-RT and Wolf pack cammando
-Juzu-: Red ARC Trooper