Kathryn Usher: Christie and Randy
Kathryn Usher: An upcycled fabric rosette flower for Sandi
Kathryn Usher: Katee models an upcycled vintage fabric rosette flower
Kathryn Usher: The Redheads
Kathryn Usher: Baked Nom-Noms!! Makers Fair IMG_5885
Kathryn Usher: Upcycled Wrapped Fabric Plastic 2-Liter Bottle
Kathryn Usher: Makers Fair Makers Fair Pam's Homemade Soap IMG_5791 IMG_5797
Kathryn Usher: Lisa and Adam Giblin
Kathryn Usher: Red Head
Kathryn Usher: Maurice Loridans
Kathryn Usher: Texas Avenue Row
Kathryn Usher: Zombee Candles Soy
Kathryn Usher: Noel Community Arts Program
Kathryn Usher: Noel Community Arts Program
Kathryn Usher: Amy Lynn Scott and her cool "Spool Sash"
Kathryn Usher: Maurice, Valerie and
Kathryn Usher: Blue Bunny
Kathryn Usher: Zombee Candle
Kathryn Usher: Consumption Fills the Void
Kathryn Usher: Man with Hat and Cane
Kathryn Usher: Tumbleweed Feltworks Bowls
Kathryn Usher: Mustaches are Two Dollars
Kathryn Usher: Tumbleweed Feltworks