howard1916 - A Man and his camera: A Photograph of my Poster Art
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: My Artwork - Colour far too bright by photo - It's actually much more subtle
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: My First Attempt at Pastels - A very difficult Medium, my first attempt which is basically like using coloured chalk sticks.
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: Out of my head - PS: I'm not troubled, just exploiting the freedom of finally retiring.
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: Artwork using dribble-effect water based Oils
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: Artwork - Phase 2 - To be improved
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: My Painting of Helenium flowers
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: My painting of Elgol
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: Slightly Better Photography of this Painting.
howard1916 - A Man and his camera: The Framed Artwork of trees