Cate's Dolls: Anna Karina
Cate's Dolls: Parrish
Cate's Dolls: Numina OOAK Parrish
Cate's Dolls: Brenda Anna Karina
Cate's Dolls: Brenda, repainted by Tracy Weston
Cate's Dolls: Outfit by Hannah P
Cate's Dolls: Snowe by Tracy Weston
Cate's Dolls: Renoir and Theo
Cate's Dolls: lovelight
Cate's Dolls: Renoir and Snow
Cate's Dolls: Renoir, Theo and Snowe
Cate's Dolls: thinking about Renoir...
Cate's Dolls: a little closer...
Cate's Dolls: Theo and Renoir
Cate's Dolls: FID Rex
Cate's Dolls: Theo and Renoir
Cate's Dolls: Kitty in American Beauty
Cate's Dolls: Kitty repaint by Ellen Harris
Cate's Dolls: Kitty Collier
Cate's Dolls: Kitty repaint by Ellen Harris