John Levanen: Cousins.
John Levanen: BJ at the vet's office...
John Levanen: BJ, trying to nap...
John Levanen: 'Slurp.'
John Levanen: Margaret & BJ .
John Levanen: BJ & the vet.
John Levanen: Catherine ...
John Levanen: BJ is interested.
John Levanen: Walking the dog.
John Levanen: Our pet...
John Levanen: "Golly , Catherine...
John Levanen: Margaret & BJ...
John Levanen: Leashing up.
John Levanen: A dog , waiting...
John Levanen: Frisky.
John Levanen: In the barn.
John Levanen: Running through the high grass.
John Levanen: Dancing !
John Levanen: BJ, again.